Battery Isolators

A battery isolator is a type of electrical device that divides direct current and only allows it to flow in one direction from the device itself to any number of batteries that can be connected to it. It is a common device that has more than one battery and in vehicles such as recreational vehicles (RVs), it uses one battery to start the engine and run driving activities, and another for other appliances and other devices. Using a battery isolator allows multiple batteries to be charged from an alternator, but prevents the others from flowing when one battery is undercharged. In addition, it has the ability to fully charge the batteries according to the needs of each battery.



  • Dimensions: 148.0X128.0X44.0mm
  • Current: 140A to 300A
  • Coil Voltage: 12VDC/ 24VDC
  • Coil Power: 2.4W


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