Elektrikli araç şarj istasyonları için DC şarj regülatörü. CCS uyumlu, DIN 70121 ve ISO 15118’e (PnC) uygundur. Yazılım yığını içerir.
For electric vehicle DC charging stations with included software stack, conform to DIN 70121 and ISO 15118 (PnC)
Charge Control M is a communication platform for CCS Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) for DC charging stations. The product includes the EVAcharge SE board and the specilally developed s/w stack. It enables the charge controller to communicate via Power Line Communication with electric vehicles (EVs), that are ISO 15118 / DIN 70121 compliant. For communication between EVSE and EV it supports CP (control pilot) signaling including Green PHY communication.
The board runs our software stack for the charging process in accordance with DIN 70121 and ISO 15118 (PnC), for fast DC charging on the EVSE side. The communication interface between Charge Control M and power electronic on EVSE side is based on the MQTT protocol; CAN interface also available.
Possible Applications:
- charge controller in electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)
- simulators for tests of EV
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