MIL-DTL-D38999 Seri 2
MIL-DTL-38999 Serisi II konektörler, daha düşük profilli tasarıma ve arkadan çıkarılabilir kıvrımlı kontak tutma sistemine sahip bir süngü bağlantı mekanizmasına sahiptir.
Shell Type
27472 = Front, wall mount receptacle
27473 = Straight plug
27474 = Jam nut receptacle
27484 = RFI grounding plug
27497 = Rear, wall mount receptacle
27499 = Front, box mount receptacle
27500 = Standard plug with 90Þ backshell
27508 = Rear, box mount receptacle
27513 = Front, box mount rec. (long grommet)
T = With accessory thread (MS27472, 27473, 27474, 27484 & 27497)
E = Same as T in line above except connector is kitted with E-Nut
= No accessory thread, box mount (MS27499 & MS27508)
= No accessory thread, box mount, long grommet (MS27513)
P = Supplied with ring and potting boot (same shell types as “T” class)
Shell Size
8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 or 24
Kaplama (Malzeme ve Kaplama)
- A = Aluminum shell, silver to light iridescent yellow (bright) cadmium over electroless nickel base
- B = Aluminum shell, olive drab cadmium over electroless nickel base
- C = Aluminum shell, black anodized finish (not available in MS27484)
- F = Aluminum shell, electroless nickel finish
- E = Stainless steel shell, passivated (Aero p/n only, n/a in AE284)
- BN = Aluminum shell, Black Nickel Finish (Aero p/n only)
İletişim Belirleyicisi
- P = Pin
- A = Pin connector less pins (with intent to use non-std pin contacts)
- S = Socket
- B = Socket connector less sockets (with intent to use non-std socket contacts)
Polarizasyon (Anahtarlama)
- N = Normal (Omitted in part number)
- A, B, C, or D (B & C keyways are not available in shell size 8)
- 01 = Less contacts (is not marked on the part)
- 340 = Connector kitted with M85049/27-XXX E-nut
- 341 = Connector kitted with M85049/49-2-XXX straight clamp
- 342 = Connector kitted with M85049/47XXX right angle clamp Consult factory for other modifications
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